The Wind and Fifteen Other Syllables
- For you, Emily
- Before winter falls
- December's first frost
- I leap a snow drift
- A crackling fireplace
- Familiar psalms
- You hum in my palm
- 'Mount Everest wears
- A zipper is stuck
- Snowy bright morning
- December moonlight
- I light a candle
- Smell of gingerbread
- Holiday season
- The winter solstice
- What more can I say?
- Whose bloodstains are these?
- Row of icicles
- Smell of sauerkraut
- February night
- We are castrated
- An insomniac
- World-weary dreamer
- Sad accordion
- Inevitably
- Upon the meadow
- An asthma attack
- Thirteenth day of spring
- Nasal congestion
- Lozenge on your tongue
- A mother's shadow
- Behind the bright eggs
- A fancy hotel
- A thick wind picks up
- Wind comes to a stop
- Stacks of paper work
- Against the window
- Letter from college
- Humorous poet
- Van Morrison sings
- Late April morning
- Lightning and thunder
- After heavy rains
- With a heavy clop
- The gate swings open
- I pass a black cat
- A dull razor blade
- Bougainvillea
- Budding peony
- Buzzing honeycomb
- Sharp green smear and squash
- Sunlight in the groves
- Junebugs on windows
- Humid afternoons
- The wind borrows kites
- A migrating swan
- Empty summer sky
- Blue altostratus
- This room is so hot
- I make scrambled eggs
- I'm crushing garlic
- The tolling wind chime
- In the quiet of
- On a July night
- The poet wakes with
- The lunar craters
- Corn obscures the road
- A silver apple
- Doing the laundry
- Upside down like that
- Iowa beckons
- In a low lawn chair
- Atlantic ocean
- Choppy ocean waves
- Flower in your hair
- Leaving a hotel
- September arrives
- Walking in Sumter
- An extra olive
- Lonely blue firefly
- Behind the boat house
- Listen carefully
- A banana peel
- Discarded apple
- Our hydrangea
- Pouring orange juice
- The leaves are golden
- A light rain follows
- Gust of November
- Thanksgiving dinner
- Like a gawky maid
- The leafless tree sways
- A bad memory
- Black ink on my skin
- Nearly silently
- There's your fingerprint
- While the butter melts
- While I drink coffee
- The lizard stops dead
- Pandemonium
- Surrounded by steam
- Your deep, steady breath
- Deep inside a dream
- Berries are crashing